Writing crafts are a hands-on and engaging way to get students to write! Use them to showcase student writing, share student learning, create a bulletin board, or make cards. They are low prep and can be integrated throughout different subjects making writing crafts a welcome classroom addition.

What Are Writing Crafts?
Writing crafts pair students’ work with a thematic image to present their writing in a new way. Each writing craft only uses two pieces of paper. Students color and cut out the image, then attach their writing pages to complete the project.
Each resource has a variety of images and inserts. Choose what meets your needs, print, copy, and you are ready. Students writing sentences can use the lined versions, while others are provided blank spaces to draw and label. Choose from the included writing prompts or create your own using the editable templates.

Once students understand how to assemble writing crafts, they can do it independently. Add writing craftivities to your writing block, place them at your writing center, or use them as an activity during literacy stations.
How to Use Writing Crafts
In school, students learn and practice different types of writing, including informational, opinion, how-to, poetry, and narrative. Writing or drawing on plain paper can become repetitive. Using these writing foldables, students can practice different types of writing or publish and share everything they’ve learned in a nontypical way.

Teach or Practice Different Writing Styles
Using writing crafts, students can explore and practice different writing styles. For example, each set includes a theme word where students can write an acrostic poem. Additionally, use the St. Patrick’s Day writing activities to practice how-to writing and share the steps for “How to Catch a Leprechaun.” Meanwhile, the Spring and other seasonal resources allow students to share their opinions about their favorite things to do. Practice making a list using the bucket list craft in the Summer writing crafts. Furthermore, each holiday has options to make cards, such as Valentine’s Day Cards or Mother’s Day Cards. The possibilities are endless and will get students’ creativity flowing!
Integrate Other Subjects
Writing crafts are for all subjects! They come in various themes for each holiday and season, making them perfect for integrating into science and social studies! Students can share what they learned about the Pilgrims, write a thank you card for Veterans, or sequence the life cycle of a butterfly using these writing activities.

Maintain student interest and use them all year long with the abundance of options included! Pick and choose the best activities for your class, or grab the bundle to save money and be ready for the whole school year.
Try writing crafts and see if they are right for your classroom using this freebie!