I’m finally here!!!! Welcome to Rhody Girl Resources. Y’all I am so excited to start this website, share, and collaborate! This is something that I have thought about doing for years, yet something kept holding me back. What would hold me back you ask? FEAR OF FAILURE and TIME!
Fear of Failure and Making Excuses
If I’m being honest I might be a perfectionist and a people pleaser. That can be a dangerous combo! Putting yourself out there is intimidating. Every time I considered starting a website the “what ifs” would run rampant through my mind. For instance, I let the fear of not being successful, not being liked, and the fear of failure prevent me from ever getting started. I listened to these fears, let them consume me, and never even gave myself a chance. Instead, I let the fear of failure win. I pushed the idea of starting my own business and website aside and each time it resurfaced I continued to ignore it.

In addition to my fears, I made a lot of excuses. Above all, my main excuse was that I didn’t have enough time. I was teaching, a mom, a wife and starting a business and website would take time away from something else. What I didn’t realize at the time is how important time for yourself and filling your own cup first is.
Life Changes
In 2017 we found out my husband was being relocated across the country for work. We had always considered moving back to the east coast but the timing was not ideal. The whole process moved quickly and I had to resign from teaching in December. Suddenly my safety net was gone. My whole life was being turned upside down and moved 2,500 miles away. I may have begun to panic, second guess our decision, and want to stay where I was settled and content. In other words, I was freaking out!
As you’ll get to know I am pretty independent. I like to contribute and feel in control. I do not like relying upon others. Being jobless in a new state, in the middle of the school year made me question everything. How can I contribute to and support my family? How can I find a job? Do I belong in the classroom? As these questions swirled through my mind I suddenly realized the answer was right there in front of me and had been there all along.

Change Is Good
These life events were the catalyst that helped me change my mind and stop making excuses. Change empowered me and suddenly sharing and creating wasn’t something I just wanted to do it became something I needed to do. The fear of failure was gone. I started out by creating a Teachers Pay Teachers store. I had no clue what I was doing but I had created many things for my own classroom and thought it couldn’t hurt to post them. Boy was I surprised when people actually started to buy them! After that, I saw an ad on Instagram where Kayse Morris was advertising her course Transform Your Resources. This course was calling out to me. Yet I still debated if I could afford the class, would the class help my business, and if it was really what I wanted to do. I chose to invest in myself.

Do What You Love
As a result, here I am today with my own website, writing my first blog post. I may have let fear of failure and excuses get to me for a while. However, I persevered and I am now doing what I love. I am so excited to embark on this new adventure! I feel like I’ve grown and learned a lot from both my experiences in the classroom and as a mama. Take my advice and don’t wait to do something you think you will love. Do not listen to others, do not worry about being judged, do not let the fear of failure win. Follow your heart and do it for you and your own happiness! I hope you all stick around, come on this journey with me, and find inspiration to face your fear and try something you’ve been wanting to yourself.