Sight word literacy centers are a must in kindergarten! Whether you use Pre Primer Dolch sight words, Primer Dolch sight words, Fry words, or another list, the ultimate goal is to read the words by sight. When learning new high-frequency words, it can take 17 exposures to make the word a sight word. These exposures can occur through whole group lessons, books, phonics practice, and sight word literacy centers.

How to Make Learning Sight Words Fun
Learning sight words can be fun! First, find out your students’ interests and learning styles. Then, take what you learn to create high-frequency word activities that meet these needs. Kinesthetic sight word activities, hands-on sight word activities, high-frequency word games, virtual sight word games, and sight word literacy centers are great ways to do this.
Putting together sight word literacy centers is easy! All you need is a tub or bin, sight word cards, and building or writing materials. But, really, your students can use any manipulative in your classroom to make words. Pattern blocks, snap cubes, playdough, and pom poms are just a few examples.

The interactive sight word activities you create could stay all year long, or you could rotate them. What’s great is consistent interactive sight word practice allows for student independence, leaving you available for enrichment and intervention or assessment.

Sight Word Literacy Centers for Kindergarten
Once you know the words your students need to focus on and practice, you’re ready to begin sight word literacy centers. Next, let’s look at 10 sight word literacy centers you could start using things you may already have in your classroom.

Pattern Blocks
A part of most kindergarten math programs is pattern blocks. This means you probably already have them in your classroom. What’s great is students can use pattern blocks for more than math! Students can also use pattern blocks to make letters. They can build letters and spell sight words making Pattern Block Sight Words an easy sight word literacy center.

Snap Cubes
We usually make patterns with snap cubes, but they are also great for building letters and words! A word template for students to look at and copy if needed is provided in Snap Cubes Sight Words.

Popsicle Sticks
Popsicle sticks are another affordable classroom item and are frequently used for kindergarten crafts. Throw some popsicle sticks in a tub with word cards, and you’re ready to go. Students can use the sticks to build letters and make Popsicle Stick Sight Words.

Boost your brain and practice sight words with Maze Sight Words. Print on paper and solve each letter’s maze with a pencil or laminate and use over and over with a dry erase marker.

Making high-frequency words with playdough also works on students’ fine motor skills. For example, students can roll snakes or balls to build each letter in the sight word during Playdough Sight Words.

Building Blocks
Legos have always been a favorite play center in my classroom. They love to use their imagination and create with these blocks, so why not let them create words too! Building Block Sight Words will have your students engaged and focused on the shape of each letter as they create their words.

Dots and Daubers
This one can be a little messy, but it is worth it! Students can dot the sight words with bingo daubers or makes dots with Q-tips and paint. For less mess with Dots and Daubers Sight Words, students could use dot stickers.

Crack the Code
Crack the Code Sight Words also focuses on letter sounds. Students look at each picture and write the beginning sound for the image. When they have written the beginning sound for every picture, they will create a sight word!

Help students learn how to code while practicing their sight words using Coding Sight Words. Students will follow the arrows and move to find a letter. Once all steps in the code have been followed, a sight word will be spelled out.

Find the Word
Find the Word Sight Words lets students be detectives. They will look at each card and search for the focus high-frequency word. Each time they find the high-frequency word, they can circle, highlight, or cover it.

When Can I Use Sight Word Literacy Centers?
All of these kindergarten high-frequency word activities will keep your students engaged in learning. The hands-on component to these high-frequency word centers will make learning fun and feel more like play. Use these sight word literacy centers during a designated time each day, or they could also be activities to grab as a time filler, after recess, or for early finishers.

Read more about sight word literacy centers at:
5 Mastering Sight Words Words Centers for Kindergarten
Sight Word Activities for Kinder Classrooms
How to Organize Your Sight Word Center in Kindergarten
Grab the free editable high-frequency word cards below to use in your sight word literacy centers now!