In the classroom, I love to use themes to help keep my kids engaged and integrate subjects. Just because students are learning from home doesn’t mean this has to stop! Looking to integrate themes? Check out these virtual winter activities.

Virtual Winter Activities to Assign
Winter Boom Cards
Boom cards are a great addition to any classroom! Students love them because they feel like they are playing a game while they are practicing and reviewing important skills. Teachers love them because they are self-correcting and provide data. Filled with snow, snowmen, arctic animals, and more these Boom decks help bring winter into your learning.
The winter math decks practice a variety of kindergarten and first-grade math standards. Number sequencing 0-20, 2D shapes, non-standard measurement, place value, graphing, and counting on to add are a few options.
Literacy skills can also be practiced using Boom cards. Both phonemic awareness and phonics skills are covered within these winter literacy decks. Practice syllables, rhyming, CVC words, beginning and ending sounds, and sight word sentences.
Winter Google Slides
Google Slides are great for digital practice and assessment of skills during virtual learning. Shares the slides via a link or assign them in Google Classroom. Each set of slides is interactive and connected to a literacy or math standard.
Live Virtual Winter Activities
Snow Ball Fight
Everybody loves a good snowball fight! Bring this fun outdoor activity inside to your virtual classroom for oodles of fun. All students need is some paper and a pencil. Have students write letters, sight words, or equations on the paper and then crumple them into balls. Afterward, let students throw them at their computer and all around them for a designated period of time. Last, call students back to read or solve the problems.

Winter Hide & Seek
Hide & Seek is a fun game that will work in the classroom and during virtual learning. Cards displaying letters, words, or math problems are shown on the screen. Call on students to read or solve a problem. Then click the card to see if the hidden picture is behind it.
Winter Would You Rather
Winter Would You Rather uses winter-themed questions to get students up and moving while building classroom community. Display the slides by sharing your screen. Students look at real-life pictures and complete the movement to match their choice.
Snowman Melt
Played like Hangman, students race to guess the word before the snowman disappears. Snowman Melt contains a variety of slides for words with 2-6 letters. Choose the slide you wish to play. Then share your screen and allow students to guess letters. Correct guesses are written on the matching line. Incorrect guesses cause a part of the snowman to melt and disappear.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are a great way to get kids up and moving. Additionally, they provide a screen break! Share your screen and read the clue. Give students one minute to find something that matches the clue. Follow up with a quick share for everyone to hold up their finds You can try out a winter-themed scavenger hunt with your kiddos by downloading the freebie below!

What are your favorite virtual winter activities to keep your students engaged through the computer?